[ Upcoming City Council Meetings ]

Tuesday - Next Week 7/30/2024

Special Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency/City Council

1:30 PM   City Council Chamber, 3rd Floor
🏠 Housing
🛠 PublicWorks
🚔 Police
🌲 Parks
🚧 Construction
  • City Resolution - Cooperative Agreement With East Bay Regional Park District
  • Ordinance - Downtown Oakland Specific Plan (DOSP)
  • Ordinance - 2100 Telegraph Avenue, Fourth DDA Amendment
  • Ordinance - Elevator Maintenance Ordinance
  • Ordinance - Longfellow Corner Second (2nd) Amendment To Disposition And Development Agreement
  • Informational Report - General Plan And Housing Element Annual Progress Reports for Calendar Year 2023
  • Informational Report - Report On Coliseum Land Sale, Contingency Budget, And Strategic Planning Process
  • Informational Report - Report On The Status Of The Abandoned Auto Removal Surge
  • City Resolution - National Prescription Opiate Litigation
  • City Resolution - Taniela Finau V. City Of Oakland
  • City Resolution - Sancreasa Blu, Et Al. V. City Of Oakland Et Al.
  • City Resolution - Appointments To The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board
  • City Resolution - Appointments To The Community Policing Advisory Board
  • City Resolution - Resolution Awarding A Contract To R&S Overhead Garage Doors, Inc
  • City Resolution - Fiscal Agent Change For Youth Joint Powers Authority
  • City Resolution - CAL OES Agreement For Hazard Mitigation Grant Funds
  • City Resolution - Mark43 RMS Upgrade For OPD
  • City Resolution - Pen Register / CDR Analysis Technology
  • Informational Report - Privacy Advisory Commission Annual Report 2023-24
  • City Resolution - Memorializing The City Council Denial Of An Appeal Of The Environmental Determination For Childcare Center At 5315 College Ave
  • City Resolution - State Of California Local Housing Trust Fund Grant Program
Full Agenda PDF (Granicus)