[ Finance & Management Meetings in 2022 ]

Tuesday - in 21 Weeks 12/13/2022

*Special Finance & Management Committee

10:30 AM   Virtual Tele- Conference Via Zoom
  • Informational Report - Semi-Annual Staffing Report December 2022
  • City Resolution - CPUC LATA Grant Acceptance 2022
  • Informational Report - Revenue And Expenditure Report (R&E) FY 2021-22 Q4 And FY 2022-23 Q1
  • City Resolution - Public Bank East Bay Viability Study
  • Informational Report - Enhanced Infrastructure District Timeline And Procedural Recommendation
Video Minutes (External - Granicus)

Tuesday - in 17 Weeks 11/15/2022

* Special Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and Finance and Management Committee

10:30 AM   Virtual Tele- Conference Via Zoom
  • Informational Report - Status Of Payments To Workforce Development Organizations
  • Informational Report - Cost Of Responding To Fires That Occurred On California Department Of Transportation Property Within Oakland City Limits In FY 2022
  • City Resolution - Salary Ordinance Amendment Including New Minimum Wage Rates
  • Ordinance - Salary Ordinance Amendment Including New Minimum Wage Rates
  • ORSA Resolution - Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule FY 2023-2024
  • City Resolution - 2022 Food Delivery Programs Grant Agreement Award
Video Minutes (External - Granicus)

Monday 6/13/2022

*Finance & Management Committee

9:30 AM   Virtual Tele- Conference Via Zoom
πŸ›  PublicWorks
  • Informational Report - Vacancy Rates Of Transportation, Planning And Building, And Public Works Departments
  • City Resolution - City Of Oakland Investment Policy For FY 2022-23
  • Informational Report - Status Of Required Audits
Video Minutes (External - Granicus)

Monday 5/9/2022

*Finance & Management Committee

1:30 PM   Virtual Tele- Conference Via Zoom
🏠 Housing
  • Report and Recommendation - Studying An Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District For Affordable Housing
  • Report and Recommendation - Workforce Development Board’s Call For Request For Proposals
  • Ordinance - Salary Ordinance To Increase The Salary For City Attorney
  • City Resolution - Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District For Affordable Housing Study
Video Minutes (External - Granicus)

Monday 4/11/2022

*Special Finance & Management Committee

1:00 PM   Virtual Tele- Conference Via Zoom
πŸ’° Taxes
πŸ›  PublicWorks
β›Ί Homelessness
  • Informational Report - Vacancy Rates Of Transportation, Planning And Building, And Public Works Departments
  • Informational Report - Report On Expenditure Of Measure W And Measure Q Funds
  • Informational Report - Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and Management Letter
  • Informational Report - FY 2021-22 Q2 Revenue & Expenditure Report
Video Minutes (External - Granicus)

Monday 2/7/2022

*Special Finance & Management Committee

1:30 PM   Virtual Tele- Conference Via Zoom
🏠 Housing
πŸ›  PublicWorks
πŸš” Police
🚧 Construction
  • Informational Report - Vacancy Rates Of Transportation, Planning And Building, And Public Works Departments
  • Report and Recommendation - Report And Recommendation On Public Safety City Facilities
  • City Resolution - A NODO For Parcel Bounded By 7th St,. Broadway, Washington St., & 6th St.
  • City Resolution - FY2021-23 CIP Amendment To Combine Two OPD Projects
Video Minutes (External - Granicus)