[ Finance & Management Meetings in 2018 ]

Tuesday - in 19 Weeks 12/4/2018

*Special Finance & Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸ’° Taxes
🍎 Schools
πŸš” Police
  • Informational Report - Semi-Annual City Administrator Approved Purchases And Contracts Report
  • Informational Report - Status Update On 911 System Upgrade And Prime 2.0 Projects
  • Informational Report - PRFRS Investment Portfolio Actuarial Valuation
  • Informational Report - Receive An Informational Report From Department Of Finance
  • Informational Report - Semi-Annual Grants Report
  • City Resolution - Reallocate Salary Savings For Supplemental Fire Code Plan Review

Tuesday - in 16 Weeks 11/13/2018

*Special Finance & Management Committee

9:00 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
🍎 Schools
  • Informational Report - Semi-Annual Vacancy Report
  • Informational Report - Annual Report On Grants And Donations
  • Informational Report - Biannual Report On Aging And Outstanding Revenue
  • Informational Report - Cash Management Report
  • City Resolution - PEG Funding Apportionment 2018-2023

Tuesday - in 13 Weeks 10/23/2018

*Special Finance & Management Committee

9:00 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸ›  PublicWorks
πŸš” Police
  • Informational Report - State And Federal Budget Status Report
  • Informational Report - Status Of Negative Fund Citywide
  • City Resolution - Salary Amendment To Add Assistant Director, Planning & Building
  • Ordinance - Salary Ordinance Amendment For Various Classifications
  • Ordinance - Salary Amendment To Add Assistant Director, Planning & Building
  • Informational Report - FY 2017-18 4TH Quarter Revenue And Expenditure Report
  • City Resolution - Occupational Medical Services Contract
  • Informational Report - Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Unfunded Actuarial Liability
  • Informational Report - CalPERS Pension Rates And Forecast Through FY 2023-24
  • Informational Report - Quarterly Report On Public Safety Overtime
  • Informational Report - Status Update On 911 System Upgrade And Prime 2.0 Projects

Tuesday - in 9 Weeks 9/25/2018

*Finance & Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
  • Informational Report - Ford Dealerships In Oakland
  • Informational Report - Equal Access Ordinance Annual Report

Tuesday - in 7 Weeks 9/11/2018

*Finance & Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸš” Police
  • Informational Report - Parking Citation Payment Plan
  • Informational Report - Public Bank Feasibility Study Prepared By Global Investment Company
  • Informational Report - Cash Management Report
  • Informational Report - Police And Fire Retirement System Investment (PFRS)
  • Informational Report - Status Of Required Audits
  • Informational Report - State And Federal Budget Status Report
  • Informational Report - Semi-Annual Vacancy Report
  • Informational Report - Status Of Negative Fund Citywide
  • Informational Report - Semi-Annual City Administrator Approved Purchases And Contracts Report
  • Informational Report - Annual Report On Grants And Donations

Tuesday 7/17/2018

*Special Finance & Management Committee

9:00 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸ’° Taxes
🏠 Housing
β›Ί Homelessness
🚧 Construction
  • City Resolution - On-Call Recruitment Services Contract
  • City Resolution - Oakland Charter Amendment Career Jobs Now! Act
  • City Resolution - Tax Of 1% On Rental Property Revenue

Tuesday 6/26/2018

Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and Finance and Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - Hearing Room 1
πŸ’° Taxes
🍎 Schools
πŸš” Police
  • Informational Report - PRFRS Investment Portfolio
  • City Resolution - Measure To Tax Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) In The City Of Oakland
  • City Resolution - Automobile Fuel Contract
  • City Resolution - Award Of Measure FF Support Services Contract
  • City Resolution - Real Estate Transfer Tax Tiered Rates Measure
  • City Resolution - City Of Oakland Investment Policy For FY 2018-19

Tuesday 5/22/2018

*Special Finance & Management Committee

9:00 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸ’° Taxes
🍎 Schools
πŸ›  PublicWorks
β›Ί Homelessness
πŸš” Police
  • Informational Report - Cash Management Report
  • Informational Report - State And Federal Budget Status Report
  • City Resolution - Proposed Ballot Measure To Tax Vacant Properties
  • City Resolution - Measure To Authorize Council To Amend The Business Tax On Non-Medical Cannabis
  • Informational Report - FY 2017-18 Third Quarter Revenue & Expenditure Report
  • Informational Report - Overtime Expenditures In The Police And Fire Departments For FY 2017-18
  • City Resolution - Fund Three Full-Time Litter/Nuisance Enforcement Officers
  • Ordinance - City of Oakland 2018-2019 Tax And Revenue Anticipation Note
  • City Resolution - Contracts For Primary Depository and Custodial Banking Services
  • City Resolution - Measure To Tax Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) In The City Of Oakland
  • Ordinance - Amending The Master Fee Schedule
  • Informational Report - Semi-Annual City Administrator Approved Purchases And Contracts Report
  • Informational Report - Ford Dealerships In Oakland

Tuesday 5/8/2018

*Special Finance & Management Committee

9:00 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸ’° Taxes
  • Informational Report - Bi-Annual Report On Aging And Outstanding Revenue
  • Informational Report - Calculation Of Penalties Under The 2007 Prompt Payment Ordinance
  • City Resolution - Extension Of Executive Recruitment Contracts
  • City Resolution - Salary Ordinance Amendment To Add Various New Budget Classifications
  • Ordinance - Salary Ordinance Amendment To Add Various New Budget Classifications
  • Informational Report - Status Update On CAD/RMS Prime 2.0
  • Ordinance - Amending The Master Fee Schedule

Tuesday 4/24/2018

* Special Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and Finance and Management Committee

9:00 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - Hearing Room 1
πŸ’° Taxes
🏠 Housing
β›Ί Homelessness
πŸš” Police
  • City Resolution - Proposed Ballot Measure To Tax Vacant Properties
  • Informational Report - Status Of Affordable Housing And Infrastructure Bond Public Oversight Committee
  • Informational Report - PRFRS Investment Portfolio
  • Informational Report - Public Safety And Services Violence Prevention Audit Report
  • Informational Report - Measure C - Oakland Hotel Tax Audit and Program Status Report
  • City Resolution - Salary Ordinance Amendment To Add Assistant Human Resources Director
  • Ordinance - Salary Ordinance Amendment To Add Assistant Human Resources Director
  • Ordinance - Amending The City Of Oakland Consolidated Fiscal Policy
  • ORSA Resolution - ORSA Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 2018-TE/T
  • Informational Report - Single Audit Report
  • Informational Report - Semi-Annual Vacancy Report
  • Informational Report - Parking Citation Void Process Audit Report
  • Informational Report - Cash Management Report
  • Informational Report - State And Federal Budget Status Report

Tuesday 4/10/2018

Concurrent Meeting of the Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency and Finance and Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - Hearing Room 1
πŸ’° Taxes
🍎 Schools
🧸 Children
  • Informational Report - Calculation Of Penalties Under The 2007 Prompt Payment Ordinance
  • City Resolution - Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax Management & Enhancement Services
  • City Resolution - Oakland JPFA Lease Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2018
  • City Resolution - Piedmont Pines Phase 1 2018 Limited Obligation Refunding Bonds
  • Informational Report - Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) And Management Letter
  • Informational Report - Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency (ORSA) Audit Report
  • City Resolution - Oakland Children’s Initiative Of 2018
  • Informational Report - Status Update On CAD/RMS Prime 2.0

Tuesday 2/27/2018

*Finance & Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸ’° Taxes
🍎 Schools
πŸš” Police
  • Informational Report - Bi-Annual Report On Aging And Outstanding Revenue
  • Informational Report - Cannabis Business Tax Policy Analysis
  • Informational Report - Overtime Expenditures In The Police And Fire Departments For FY 2017-18
  • Informational Report - FY 2017-18 Second Quarter Revenue & Expenditure Report
  • Informational Report - FY 2016-2017 Worker’s Compensation Annual Report
  • City Resolution - Friends of Oakland Animal Services Grant Award
  • Ordinance - Salary Ordinance Amendment-Various Classifications
  • Ordinance - Salary Ordinance Amendment -Chief of Violence Prevention
  • City Resolution - Extend And Increase Contract With International Contact, INC.
  • City Resolution - Negative Fund Repayment Plan and Recommendations
  • Informational Report - Calculation Of Penalties Under The 2007 Prompt Payment Ordinance

Tuesday 2/13/2018

*Finance & Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸ’° Taxes
  • Informational Report - State And Federal Budget Status Report
  • City Resolution - Assessment District No. 2007-232 Piedmont Pines Phase II
  • City Resolution - Agreement With Conduent State And Local Solutions
  • City Resolution - GRM Information Management Services And Corodata, LLC Contracts
  • Informational Report - Cash Management Report
  • City Resolution - Measure To Tax Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) In The City Of Oakland

Tuesday 1/23/2018

*Finance & Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸš” Police
  • Informational Report - Calculation Of Penalties Under The 2007 Prompt Payment Ordinance
  • Informational Report - Budget Advisory Commission (BAC) Budget Process Recommendations

Tuesday 1/9/2018

*Finance & Management Committee

9:30 AM   Sgt. Mark Dunakin Room - 1st Floor
πŸ’° Taxes
πŸš” Police
  • Informational Report - Status Of Required Audits
  • Informational Report - CalPERS Pension Rates For FY 2018-19 And Forecast Through FY 2024-25
  • Informational Report - Report On The Research Foundation Of The City University Of New York Grant
  • Informational Report - Budget Advisory Commission (BAC) Budget Process Recommendations
  • Informational Report - City Administrator Contract Authority Report, FY 2016-17
  • Informational Report - Overtime Expenditures In The Police And Fire Departments For FY 2017-18
  • Informational Report - Potential Library Parcel Tax Measure
  • Informational Report - PFRS Portfolio As Of September 30, 2017
  • Informational Report - Bi-Annual Report On Aging And Outstanding Revenue
  • Informational Report - FY 2017-18 Second Quarter Revenue & Expenditure Report
  • Informational Report - State And Federal Budget Status Report
  • Informational Report - Worker's Compensation Report
Video Minutes (External - Granicus)